Publications List
May 31, 2023
Tolerance to aberration and misalignment in a two-point-resolving image inversion interferometer
Authors: David J. Schodt and Patrick J. Cutler and Francisco E. Becerra and Keith A. Lidke
Published in: Optica Publishing Group
Image inversion interferometry can measure the separation of two incoherent point sources at or near the quantum limit. This technique has the potential to improve upon current state-of-the-art imaging technologies, with applications ranging from mi

General quantum measurements optimally interpolate between measurement paradigms
Authors: M. T. DiMario & F. E. Becerra
Published in: NPJ Quantum Information
Quantum state discrimination is a central problem in quantum measurement theory, with applications spanning from quantum communication to computation.
Typical measurement paradigms for state discrimination involve a minimum probability of error or u

Determination of the asymptotic limits of adaptive photon counting measurements for coherent-state optical phase estimation
Authors: M. A. Rodríguez-García, M. T. DiMario, P. Barberis-Blostein & F. E. Becerra
Published in: npj Quantum Information
Physical realizations of the canonical phase measurement for the optical phase are unknown. Single-shot phase estimation, which aims to determine the phase of an optical field in a single shot, is critical in quantum information processing and metro

Channel-noise tracking for sub-shot-noise-limited receivers
Authors: M. T. DiMario and F. E. Becerra
Published in: Phys. Rev. Research
Non-Gaussian receivers for optical communication with coherent states can achieve measurement sensitivities beyond the limits of conventional detection, given by the quantum-noise limit (QNL). However, the amount of information that can be reliably

Single-Shot Non-Gaussian Measurements for Optical Phase Estimation
Authors: M. T. DiMario and F. E. Becerra
Published in: Physical Review Letters
Estimation of the properties of a physical system with minimal uncertainty is a central task in quantum metrology. Optical phase estimation is at the center of many metrological tasks where the value of a physical parameter is mapped to the phase of

Phase tracking for sub-shot-noise-limited receivers
Authors: M. T. DiMario and F. E. Becerra
Published in: Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023384 (2020)
Nonconventional receivers for phase-coherent states based on non-Gaussian measurements such as photon counting surpass the sensitivity limits of shot-noise-limited coherent receivers, the quantum noise limit (QNL). These non-Gaussian receivers can h

"Beating the standard quantum limit for binary constellations in the presence of phase noise
Authors: L.Kunz, M. T.DiMario, F. E.Becerra, and K.Banaszek
Published in: 2019 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON)
In optical communication systems, information can be carried by the intensity, the phase, or generally by the complex amplitude of the electromagnetic field. Detection of any of these quantities, which conventionally serves as the basis to determine

Optimized communication strategies with binary coherent states over phase noise channels
Authors: M. T.DiMario, L.Kunz, and F. E.Becerra
Published in: npj Quantum Information
The achievable rate of information transfer in optical communications is determined by the physical properties of the communication channel, such as the intrinsic channel noise. Bosonic phase noise channels, a class of non-Gaussian channels, have em

Implementation of a single-shot receiver for quaternary phase-shift keyed coherent states
Authors: M. T. DiMario, E. Carrasco, R. A. Jackson, and F. E. Becerra
Published in: Journal of the Optical Society of America
We experimentally investigate a strategy to discriminate between quaternary phase-shift keyed coherent states based on single-shot measurements that is compatible with high-bandwidth communications. We extend previous theoretical work in single-shot

Robust measurement for the discrimination of binary coherent states
Authors: M. T. DiMario, and F. E. Becerra
Published in: Physical Review Letters
The discrimination of two nonorthogonal states is a fundamental element for secure and efficient communication. Quantum measurements of nonorthogonal coherent states can enhance information transfer beyond the limits of conventional technologies. We

NPJ Quantum Information
Authors: A. R. Ferdinand, M. T. DiMario, and F. E. Becerra
Published in: Quantum Information
Measurements approaching the ultimate quantum limits of sensitivity are central in quantum information processing, quantum metrology, and communication. Quantum measurements to discriminate multiple states at the single-photon level are essential fo

Photon number resolution enables quantum receiver for realistic coherent optical communications
Authors: F. E. Becerra, J. Fan, and A. Migdall
Published in: Nature Photonics
Quantum-enhanced measurements can provide information about the properties of a physical system with sensitivities beyond what is fundamentally possible with conventional technologies. However, this advantage can be achieved only if quantum measurem

Demonstrating highly symmetric single-mode, single-photon heralding efficiency in spontaneous parametric downconversion
Authors: Marcelo Da Cunha Pereira, Francisco E Becerra, Boris L Glebov, Jingyun Fan, Sae Woo Nam, and Alan Migdall
Published in: Optics Letters
We demonstrate a symmetric, single-spatial-mode, single-photon heralding efficiency of 84% for a type-II spontaneous parametric downconversion process. High-efficiency, single-spatial mode collection is key to enabling many quantum information proce

2013-Experimental demonstration of a receiver beating the standard quantum limit for multiple nonorthogonal state discrimination
Authors: F. E. Becerra, J. Fan, G. Baumgartner, J. Goldhar, J. T. Kosloski & A. Migdall
Published in: Nature Photonics
Measurement of the state of a quantum system with inherent quantum uncertainty (noise) approaching the ultimate physical limits is of both technological and fundamental interest. Quantum noise prevents any mutually nonorthogonal quantum states, such